Video-Based Compliance Training in the Medical Industry
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The regulations on the medical industry have had a significant impact on how companies collect, store, and access information. Moreover, these companies are strictly governed with regard to instituting strict controls regarding the safety of the devices. The many regulatory agencies include the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, College of American Pathologists, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the American Society for Testing and Materials, the International Electrotechnical Commission and the International Organization of Standardization, just to name a few.
It is, therefore, imperative that corporations in this vertical ensure employees throughout the organization help the company to remain compliant by taking relevant training courses. Companies in the medical industry have recognized the importance of video to ensure employees get the right compliance training when they need it. When these videos are stored within a content management system that provides analytics on who watched a training video, who passed and where they stopped, an enterprise can have complete into employee compliance. This can help reduce lawsuits, fines, and potential loss of reputation or worse.
Employees that take advantage of video-based training can go at their own pace, watch, and re-watch content so that they truly digest the material. This can occur at any time and on any device – a necessity in today’s workforce. As regulations are updated, employees can easily stay updated and management can ensure that everyone is watching, is engaged and has completed each mandatory video by watching it through the end.
Even when a company has a comprehensive compliance policy in place, if there is not any evidence that all required employees have received the information, then the policy is unlikely to protect the company against possible issues. As a result, not only should qualified people do education programs, but also all sessions should be recorded, distributed to all required employees. In addition to analytics, the video platform should be able to send videos securely and do so in a manner where office networks do not become impacted by the bandwidth intensive nature of video.
The upcoming years in the medical field promise to evolve at break-neck speeds. Companies will continue to be forced to adapt. Companies that adopt new approaches will be able to remain nimble and gain competitive advantage.