WebRTC in its simplest terms provides Real Time Communications (RTC) across the web between user’s browsers through a series of API’s. The technology is open source and supported by all major browsers. This versatility and flexibility associated with building this network topology has resulted in wide and rapid adoption across many use cases; hence the sudden uptake in the enterprise video market.

WebRTC has a set of APIs that instruct participants of a network what to do, when to receive data and how. Network participants share data between themselves, managed by a web application that can be separate to the network participants, or one of the participants themselves. Data exchange between users does not require additional software, as the WebRTC protocol is built into browsers of sufficient compatibility. Additionally, WebRTC allows for the architect to decide on the protocols that they wish to exchange as part of the topology and how the network is built, allowing for firewalls or NAT gateways.

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