How To Use Video Without Compromising Agency Cybersecurity
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A sophisticated Russian cyberattack on the U.S. government has left many wondering: What can federal agencies do to maintain security?
It is a vital question, particularly when it comes to video and live streaming.
Using an enterprise video platform is essential to ensuring your video content stays secure and protected.
You want your videos and live-streamed content to remain safe from hacks and other intrusions. From training videos to internal messages and live streams, you need to know your sensitive information is secure.
That is why you need a video platform that emphasizes security tools such as user authentication and encryption. These security checkpoints keep your video content safe from hackers.
At the same time, security should not interfere with users’ ability to access crucial information.
Your employees, contractors, and sometimes authorized people outside your agency to have access to your video and live streams. An enterprise video platform should integrate with your existing systems to ensure those who should access your video content can.
Working with your cybersecurity team to select and implement your video solution is another pivotal step in ensuring your video content’s safety and security—partner with your internal resources to choose the best solution for your agency.
Hackers are always trying to break into federal agencies’ systems. But that does not have to keep you from leveraging the benefits of video and live streaming.
Using an enterprise video platform can help you realize video’s advantages without getting hacked.