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Release Notes v7.29
Vbrick Rev enables organizations to unleash the power of video to educate, inform and inspire employees anywhere and on any device. Its ease of use increases engagement and adoption by delivering the same consumer-grade experience employees expect from their use of video and social media sites. Customers can stream high quality live and on-demand video across their own networks using Rev’s embedded eCDN capabilities, which ensure that video uses the least possible bandwidth. This document contains Release Notes for the latest version of Rev.
New Features
Recorded Webcast Event Video Playback Linking
Event Hosts may now specify if a Webcast’s recorded video should begin playing if an event’s link is visited once the event has completed.
This allows those attendees that missed the event, or that might want to view it again, to easily find and view a recording of it by simply clicking the completed Webcast link without the need to search for a video of it in Rev.
Additionally, the Event Host may remove the link to the recorded video at any time, or replace it with an edited “final” version, if desired.
The Video Inventory Report export has been updated with two additional columns to reflect this update; Source and Source Type.
Webcast Event Templates
For customers that need to create multiple events with the exact same settings, this update introduces Webcast Event Templates.
Event Hosts may save the settings of an event as a reusable Webcast template so that it may be applied to other events in the future.
Account Admins can manage and catalog Webcast templates and specify a default template that is applied to any new Webcast that is created.
Public Webcast Registration Fields
For those customers that hold regular public events that want to capture attendee details beyond name and email address, this update provides the ability to configure Rev’s public Webcasts to capture additional registration fields.
Account Admins may define a standard collection of company approved registration fields for Event Hosts to use when configuring public events and specify which of those fields are required.
Additionally, post event reports have been updated to provide a roster of public attendees along with the information collected from the defined custom registration fields.
Global Video Editing Download Controls
This update modifies the global download setting to provide Account Admins the ability to globally restrict downloading videos to those user accounts with less than a Media Admin role. This means more options for organizations that have security compliance requirements around downloads and local environments.
A new global setting has been added so that backups may still be made when a video is being edited (recommended) if the global download setting is disabled.
Account Admin Management Updates
This update provides Account Admins the ability to download a list of all users in an account from the User Management screen (in the form of a CSV file download).
Additional Enhancements
SSO for Azure Active Directory
Companies using Microsoft Azure for their Active Directory Service can now use Vbrick SSO.
Azure Active Directory provides a simple step-by-step user interface for connecting Vbrick Rev Enterprise Video Platform to Azure AD.
You can find details in the Azure Marketplace listing at https://azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/aad.vbrick
Vbrick Multicast Updates
There are now two options for installing and running the VBM agent; You may use the default Vbrick multicast playback domain name (localstreaming.vbrick.com) or use a custom domain name. Custom domain names require Rev 7.29 or greater.
A custom domain name may be used other than the default localstreaming.vbrick.com (which resolves to for those cases where the localstreaming.vbrick.com domain cannot be used for playback on your user’s computer due to policy restrictions.
This is completely optional and is only required in the use case just mentioned.
Webcast Q&A Icon Update
The Webcast Q&A icon has been updated to minimize confusion with the Rev Online Help icon and to provide a more intuitive user experience when attending a Webcast event.
Team Filtering Option Extended to Media Viewer Role
Teams is now a filtering option for users that have Team Member access. One (or more) Teams may be used anywhere that users can filter for videos (All Videos, Video Search) and the search results will return the filters.
Note that this functionality previously existed for the Media Contributor role and above and has now been extended to the Media Viewer and above role(s).
Enhanced Search/User Name Added to Find Items
Each Find Items widget in Rev now adds the Username beneath the Full Name to make it easier to distinguish between users that have the same name.
When searching for users in the “Find Items” widget (such as when adding a user to a group or assigning an Event Host), the results show Full Name and Username.
The results are sorted by Full Name then Username.
If any of the first name, last name, or username match the search query from the beginning to some letter after that, the matching fragment is highlighted.
Improved Search/Load Times and Indexing Performance
Customers with extensive numbers of users that found user search widgets difficult to use due to load times should find significant improvement with this build. The search widget has been updated to improve load times in the following areas:
Video Basic Settings ACL
Webcast Settings
-Event Host
-Listing Type
-Event Moderators
Create / Edit Groups
Create / Edit Teams
Approval Process: Users Requiring Approval
Approval Process: Approver Assignment
Bulk Edit Access Control
Video Filter Uploader
In addition to reduced load times, search intuitiveness and indexing has been improved so that search begins when you type one or more letters.
Results should start with the matching characters in any word in any of the fields typed.
The results should not include items that do not match that criteria.
Results should be sorted alphabetically by display name, group name, team name and be intermixed.
API Revisions
The Rev Developer’s Site contains complete details and usage examples on how to use each API. See the Current Release in online help if you need more details on how to use a specific feature itself.
Update Type
Updated to reflect addition of VOD linking fields to existing APIs.
-LinkedVideoId, AutoAssociateVod, RedirectVod
-Provides new VOD linking functionality with a Webcast, including redirecting to the video, and auto associating it once the Webcast concludes.
Updated to include RegistrationFieldIds which are new fields defined in the Webcast Registration Field APIs described below.
Updated to allow specification if PowerPoint downloads are allowed on Webcasts (presentationFileDownloadAllowed is enabled/disabled).
-Update VOD Link
-Delete VOD Link
Two new APIs that update previously linked VOD Webcast fields or clear a previously linked VOD from a Webcast.
Updating a VOD link also allows you to set the Redirect setting.
New set of APIs that provide add/edit/get/delete of public Webcast registration fields.
New set of APIs that provide add / edit /get / delete of PowerPoint presentation files associated with a Webcast.
Issues Addressed
Resolved an issue that prevented videos from being displayed when user clicked on All Videos or My uploads.
Resolved an issue that resulted in errors when downloading a video from Akamai.
Resolved an issue that caused some formatting errors on events calendar.
Resolved an issue with sharing links to videos in a Facebook comment.
Resolved an issue with PowerPoint slides that start from slide 0.
Resolved an issue with saving Poll results when poll was closed before the event completed.
Resolved an issue with multi-word searches performed via REST API.
Important Notes
Please keep the following notes/caveats in mind when using the Rev platform. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Vbrick Support staff.
Rev Cloud Specific Notes
Accessing Rev Cloud requires that end user’s browsers are able to access certain Rev URLs. Some customers leverage browser, proxy, or firewall whitelists to restrict URLs that can be accessed from an end user’s browser. For those customers, along with adding your main Rev URL to the whitelisted sites, it is important to add the data center URLs below to the whitelisted sites (or preferably add a more generic *.us.vbrickrev.com, *.eu.vbrickrev.com, *.au.vbrickrev.com whitelist rule).
Note that your welcome e-mail will contain the main Rev URL that you use to access Rev or it may be a custom URL that you requested. Those accessing our cloud-based CDN will use something similar to *.akamai.net. Contact Vbrick Support if you have any questions.
Note which data center you are hosted in to add the sites below in addition to your main Rev URL:
North American Data Center
EU Data Center
AU Data Center
Browser / Video Playback Notes
IE9 and IE10 are no longer supported browsers on Rev. Compatibility Mode settings on IE11 is supported.
Muted Playback: If your videos and playlists are set to autoplay, be aware that they will start muted. This also applies to your Webcast events in that, when an attendee joins an event, video for the event plays automatically starting muted as a result. Users can then unmute it just as with videos and playlists.