Output Stream Configuration : Reflection of Akamai Streams for Rev VC Live Webcast
Reflection of Akamai Streams for Rev VC Live Webcast
DME v.3.15, when used with Rev 7.14 or above, can reflect Akamai CDN streams associated with Rev's Video Conference (VC) Live Webcast feature. Meaning, the DME will automatically identify, pull, and cache streams from Akamai to serve them to Rev players. This allows customers to minimize Akamai and Internet bandwidth usage, while maximizing distribution through DMEs to many concurrent live Webcast viewers.
In order to utilize this feature, you must first be set up with the Rev Video Conference Recording and Streaming feature and be provisioned with Akamai publishing points/hostnames. This is a back-end activity by the VBrick Operations team.
Rev uses its Zone Logic feature to identify which DME (v3.15 or newer) that services a given viewer's play request for a VC Live Webcast. The player, via Rev, uses a special playback URL that triggers the DME into doing a cached reflection of the stream. Most viewers are served from the DME's cache instead of each viewer pulling the stream from Akamai.
Be aware that there are limitations to the number of VC Live Webcast viewers that a DME can service depending on the level of the DME and, if virtual, the VM's provisioned CPU and Memory. Also the number of Cache Workiers and the bitrate of the streams have an impact. Please refer to the following table when developing your deployment strategy with respect to reflecting Akamai through the DME.
All tests were run on a DME 7570:
With 1 Worker, single call, a 7570 can service 500 viewers at 500k call, and up to 250 viewers at 3Mb call.
With 2 Workers, single call, a 7570 can service 900 viewers at 500k call, and up to 400 viewers at 3Mb call.
With 8 (maximum setting) Workers, a 7570 can service 1400 viewers at 500K call, and up to 400 viewers at 3Mb call.
Notice the increase of supported viewers as the number of workers increases. However, the high end 3Mb calls, are all at 400 suggested viewers. As always, please test within your environment on your network to identify optimal settings and possible choke points.
The default setting is based on the DME level. As always, please test to confirm performance.)
Please see Rev documentation for additional details.
*See Also: