Configure a DME Stream : DME Output Streams : Out-9 > Push (RTMP)
Out-9 > Push (RTMP)
In this scenario the DME functions as a live encoder that sends the stream to another RTMP (i.e. Flash) server such as a Wowza, an FMS, or another DME. The parameters on this page are similar to those on the Flash Pull Settings page (see image on the In-6 < Pull (RTSP) topic) but there are also additional fields marked with (o).
These (o)ptional fields may be required at the destination device, for example by a Wowza or other Flash server. For more about these fields, see Output Configuration > Flash Push.
Figure 1. DME Flash Push
*To configure a Push (RTMP) output:
Objective: This use case is similar to use case In-1 < Push (RTMP) where the stream is incoming into a DME. See In-1 < Push (RTMP) for more details.
*See Also:
Input and Output DME Streams