VC Gateway Configuration : Defaults : Create a Custom Audio Chime or Welcome Message
Create a Custom Audio Chime or Welcome Message
A chime sound and a brief welcome message are played when placing or receiving calls to or from a video conferencing endpoint. You can replace these default audio files by uploading your own recordings that are created in .raw format only.
The following steps explain how to create a .raw file on a Windows machine that has an audio recording device.
*To generate an audio file in .raw format on a Windows machine:
1. Go to the Search box on the Start menu, type: soundrecorder/file outputfile.wav and press Enter. This will launch your audio recording device if present.
2. Record an audio file and save it as outputfile.wav
3. Install the latest version of SoX (Sound eXchange) from
4. Convert the recorded outputfile.wav file to *.raw format by running:
c:\<sox-installed-path>\sox.exe outputfile.wav -r 16000 -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 outputfile.raw
where <sox-installed-path> is typically C:\Program Files\sox-14-4-0 or C:\Program Files (x86)\sox-14-4-0.
Note that the SoX version you installed may be different than 14-4-0.
5. Navigate to VC Gateway Configuration > Defaults.
6. Select User Configured next to the Audio Welcome Prompt. This will enable the upload feature. Upload the new outputfile.raw file and test by placing and receiving a call through the VC Gateway.