User Guide : Webcast Events : Event Analytics and Quality of Experience Reports : Download the Webcast Event Attendees Report
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Download the Webcast Event Attendees Report
Event Hosts and Moderators may access details about all attendees once an event has ended.
Note: Please note that there may be some cases where attendee data in the CSV is not fully available such as when:
An attendee was not in an active zone
An attendee left the event prior to the start of broadcasting
*To access the Webcast Attendees report:
1. Navigate to Event Calendar > Event Name.
2. Click Reports.(Note: You may need to specify which reports you want to view. Main Event or Pre-Production Event may be specified if you run each type of Webcast.)
3. Click Download > Attendees - CSV.
4. Note: Select the Attendees - CSV (With Pre-Production Events) if you want to include your Pre-Production event analytics as well.
5. The Event Attendees Report will export a CSV file (named after the event title) to your Downloads folder. It will contain the following details about each Webcast attendee:
User Type (Internal/Public)
Attendee Full Name (First Name / Last Name)
Account Username
Email Address
Session ID
Zone Name
IP Address
Browser Used
Device Type (iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, etc.)
User Agent
OS Version
Attendee Type (Last known role of the user: Host, Moderator, Attendee, Account Admin). Note: This column will be blank if this is an old Webcast.
Entry Time (when the attendee opens the Webcast, regardless if it is being broadcast or not)
Exit Time (when an attendee leaves the event or is disconnected for more than 5 minutes or if the event is ended by the Event Host and is not restarted)
Viewing Time (total viewing time in hours:minutes). The total Webcast viewing time for the user. Time shorter than the total Webcast time indicates that the user left “early”.
Number of Buffering Events. Displays the total count of buffering events the user experienced during the Webcast. Buffering events are an indication that the video player buffered some amount of the stream. Please note that the number of buffering events include the initial buffering that occurs at the initial start of the stream experience. The count excludes all negligible buffering events which are defined as being less than 500 milliseconds (configurable).
Number of Rebuffering Events. Rebuffering events are those defined buffering events that affect a user with a visible "spinner". These are also cumulative.
Rebuffering Duration. The cumulative amount of rebuffering duration experienced by a user.
Removed. (Marked TRUE or FALSE and indicates if an attendee was removed from the Webcast by a Host or Admin)
Experienced Errors. How often attendee views a player error message with no fallback options in place.
Start Time (of the Webcast)
Event Type (Main Event versus Pre-Production)
Custom Registration Field(s) - If defined, will appear before each source device column along with the data collected for each.
Device (1..n) The name of the source device(s) for the content stream.
For each playback device/stream, there will be a playback URL and start time column and an indicator if a Rev Connect peer mesh is used. For example:
Device 1
Playback1 URL
Playback Started1
Device 2
Playback2 URL
Playback Started2
Rev Connect (True/False)
Role(s): Event Host, Account Admin, Event Moderators